2 X Program Golf Carts ($7,000 each)
Methaqua Lodge Flooring (Pine Room, West Dining, and Chapel, Camp Store, Entryways) ($60,000)
- Camp Office Remodel ($65,000)
- Golden Valley Cabin: Install Septic, Kitchenette, Bathroom, new Electrical system, and furnishings for pastor’s retreat. ($85,000)
Indoor Riding Arena Sand and Hauling ($6,000)
- Equestrian Center Indoor Arena Industrial Fans (12) ($80,000)
- AC Heat/Pump Units for Rustic Cabins ($6,000)
If you would like to give by check, please make checks payable to Camp Wesley Woods, and indicate the project you are giving towards in the Memo.
All checks can be mailed to:
Camp Wesley Woods
10896 Nixon Street
Indianola, Iowa 50125